Everything you will need (paints, brushes, palettes, water, felt pens etc) is provided and our friendly staff will be on hand to help you get started. Choose your colours - remember to check our colour guides as the glazing and firing process brightens up the colour of the paint you apply (see our FAQ).  One coat of paint with a brush will be fairly thin and almost translucent, a bit wishy-washy, and you will see brush marks. If you want a nice rich colour, without brush marks, it is preferable to build up thinner layers of paint - apply one coat and let it dry, then a second coat and let it dry and then a third.  You know if it's dry if it looks chalky; if it still has a sheen then leave it a bit longer before applying the next coat.  If you paint another layer of glaze over glaze that is still wet or damp then you can just end up going back to the white of the ceramic.

Dark colours will cover light colours but light won't cover dark.  If you make a mistake with a dark colour it is worth asking the best way to try and correct it.  Avoid wiping it with a damp sponge as this will just take the glaze into the ceramic leaving a stain.  

For small children it often works well to give them the light colours first and then the darks (avoid the very dark ones like black, dark green and brown) if you want the light colours to show!  For little ones it also works quite well to have a brush per colour to avoid having to keep washing brushes and introducing lots of water which weakens the colour.  This also means you are more likely to get distinct colours on the finished ceramic rather than it ending up in varying shades of brown!  It doesn't matter how many brushes you use and used brushes can just be left on the table.

Our pale pink shown on our colour wheel plates, This Lil' Piggy, has been replaced by Cotton Candy.  

Got paint on your clothes? Ceramic paints (glazes) are washable and will not stain clothes; they will wash out without pre-soaking.

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