We then glaze and fire your masterpiece.
Your ceramic is now ready for glazing and firing. Once the ceramic and paint are dry your ceramic will be dipped in glaze which is then left to dry. Once dry, any drips etc are sanded and your ceramic will be loaded into the kiln. Very small items may need to stand straight on the shelf in which case all paint and glaze from the bottom will need to be removed (for example, letters and small hearts). Some items may be dry-footed – where the glaze is removed from the area that will be in contact with the kiln shelf. If this is not possible, the item will be mounted on stilts in the kiln – placed on small pins to prevent the glaze adhering your ceramic permanently to the shelf! If this is the case it will have razor-sharp stilt marks on the base which will have been ground down before collection. Your ceramic will be in our kiln for approximately 36 hours, having been heated for several hours at a temperature in excess of 1000°C! The glazing and firing process can take between ten days to two weeks although may be ready before that depending on kiln firings and how quickly it is dry. Please ask if you need it sooner, we may be able to help.